crédo catholique

Explanation of the Nicene-Constantinople Creed

The Nicene-Constantinople Creed, a preeminent confession of faith in Christianity, embodies the fundamental truths of Christian doctrine. Adopted at the councils of Nicaea in 325 and Constantinople in 381, this creed was shaped in response to theological controversies that shook the early Church. At these councils, heated debates concerning the nature of God and Jesus Christ were the order of the day, thus threatening the unity of the Christian community.

In this article, we will delve into the Nicene-Constantinople Creed to understand all the richness and deep meaning behind it. We will explore its historical context, its content, and the lasting impact it has had on Christian theology and practice of the faith. Indeed, this creed has proven to be a solid foundation on which Christians rely to affirm their essential beliefs in the Trinity, the Incarnation and redemption through Jesus Christ.


I- History and context of the Nicene-Constantinople Creed

The Nicene-Constantinople Creed has its roots in periods of theological tumult which marked the early Church. At the time, the young Christian community faced essential questions regarding the essence of God and the relationship between the Father and the Son. Divergent theological currents threatened to divide the Church and sowed confusion among the faithful.

A. The Council of Nicaea in 325

To respond to these controversies, the first ecumenical council ( assembly bringing together all the bishops and ecclesiastical authorities of Christianity) was convened in Nicaea in 325. One of the major issues was the Arian doctrine, which maintained that Jesus Christ was a divine creature. but distinct from God the Father. This called into question the divinity of Jesus and provoked strong reactions among theologians and the faithful.

At this council, the Fathers of the Church met to debate and clarify Christian doctrine. They resulted in the development of a statement of faith known as the “Nicene Creed.” This symbol stated the belief in the unity and divinity of God the Father and Jesus Christ, affirming that the Son was "of the same substance with the Father" (homoousios).

B. The Council of Constantinople in 381

However, the Arian controversy was not yet completely resolved, and new heresies appeared. To further consolidate the Christian faith, Emperor Theodosius I convened the Council of Constantinople in 381. This second ecumenical council, while confirming the teachings of Nicea, expanded the creed to include a profession of faith in the divinity of the Holy Spirit. This is how the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed was born, expressing the fundamental doctrine of the Trinity - God in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

This complex and turbulent historical context adds particular depth to the Nicene-Constantinople Creed, making it much more than a simple profession of faith. It became a symbol of the unity of the Church and a fundamental theological point of reference for Christians throughout the centuries.

In the next part, we will examine the detailed content of the Nicene-Constantinople Creed, exploring each statement to fully grasp its meaning and theological significance. Join us in this exploration of the very essence of the Christian faith, as proclaimed in this historic creed.


II. The content of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed (divinity of the Father and the Son)

This part of the creed which is its beginning expresses the divinity of the Father and the Son affirming the doctrine of an omniscient, omnipotent God at the origin of all creation and manifested by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who will be announced to him a little later in the creed.

A. “I believe in one God, the Almighty Father, creator of heaven and earth, of the visible and invisible universe.”

This opening statement emphasizes the oneness of God, affirming that He is the Supreme Creator of all that exists, both in the visible and the invisible world. The title "Father" emphasizes God's divine paternity towards all humanity, thus establishing a filial relationship between the Creator and his creatures.

B. “And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.”

This part of the creed proclaims the divinity of Jesus Christ as the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father. This confirms the belief in the preexistence of Jesus before time, emphasizing his central role in the divine plan of salvation for humanity.

C. “God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of the same nature as the Father.”

This statement delves deeper into the divine nature of Jesus Christ by affirming that He is “of the same nature with the Father.” He is "begotten, not created", which refutes the Arian belief that Jesus is a divine creature inferior to God the Father. Rather, this part of the creed proclaims that Jesus is fully God, co-eternal with the Father.

D. “Through him all things were made.”

This short sentence reaffirms the belief in the creative power of Jesus Christ. As the Son of God, he is the agent through which God created the entire universe, thereby demonstrating his sovereignty and active presence in creation.


III- The content of the Nicene-Constantinople Creed (the Incarnation, the Resurrection, the Ascension and the Parousia)

This second part of the creed will focus on the proclamation of the incarnation, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ for us and for our salvation and finally his return to Earth; the Parousia.

E. “For us, men, and for our salvation, he came down from heaven; by the Holy Spirit he took flesh from the Virgin Mary, and became man.”

This part of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed proclaims the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, one of the central foundations of the Christian faith. It emphasizes that Jesus, being God, took on flesh by becoming fully man while retaining his divine nature. His incarnation is made possible by the action of the Holy Spirit and his miraculous birth from the Virgin Mary.

F. “Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, he suffered his passion and was placed in the tomb.”

This statement recalls the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus, marking the very heart of Christianity. Jesus willingly offered himself as a sacrifice for the salvation of humanity, bearing upon himself the sins of the world to offer us redemption and the grace of forgiveness.

G. "He rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father."

This part of the creed speaks of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, thus confirming his victory over death and his triumph over sin. His resurrection is consistent with Scripture and confirms his divinity. Jesus ascended into heaven, where he sits at the right hand of God the Father, exercising his authority and making intercession for us with God.

H. “He will return in glory to judge the quick and the dead; and his kingdom will have no end.”

This final part of the Nicene-Constantinople Creed announces the belief in the second coming of Jesus Christ, where he will come in glory to judge the living and the dead. It is the Christian hope of the triumphant return of the Lord to establish His eternal reign.


IV- The content of the Nicene-Constantinople Creed (the Filioque, the Church, Baptism and eternal life)

We will now begin the last part of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed which in turn focuses on the divinity and origin of the Holy Spirit, the reality of the Church and which finally concludes by recalling the importance of baptism and the hope of eternal life.

I. "I believe in the Holy Spirit, who is Lord and gives life; he proceeds from the Father and the Son; with the Father and the Son he receives the same adoration and the same glory; he spoke through the prophets. "

This part of the Creed highlights the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Christians proclaim their belief in the divinity of the Holy Spirit, affirming that he is Lord and giver of life. The Holy Spirit is described as proceeding from the Father and the Son, which expresses the eternal relationship between the three persons of the Trinity. He is co-worshipped and glorified with the Father and the Son.

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit is recognized as the inspiration of the prophets of the Old Testament, who transmitted the word of God to the people of Israel. This highlights the continuing action of the Holy Spirit in the world, guiding and inspiring believers throughout history.

J. “I believe in the Church, one, holy, catholic and apostolic.”

This part of the Creed proclaims the belief in the Church as the body of Christ, united in faith and communion. She is called “holy” because she is sanctified by the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is "catholic" in the sense of universality, encompassing all believers, regardless of their origin or culture. The Church is also "apostolic", referring to its continuity with the preaching of the apostles and the fact that it faithfully transmits apostolic teaching.

K. “I recognize one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.”

This statement affirms the centrality of baptism in the life of the Christian. Baptism is a sacrament by which believers are cleansed of their sins and receive the grace of God. The Creed emphasizes the uniqueness of baptism, whatever the differences in Christian traditions, and emphasizes its redemptive and unifying value.

L. “I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.”

This last part of the Creed expresses Christian hope in the resurrection of the dead and in the eternal life to come. Believers confidently anticipate the day when they will be resurrected with glorified bodies to live in the eternal presence of God. This hope of eternal life nourishes faith and brings comfort and encouragement in the trials of earthly life.


V- The importance of the Nicene-Constantinople symbol

The importance of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed lies in its ability to unify Christians around the central truths of the Christian faith. As a symbol of faith, this creed transcends denominational and cultural divisions, bringing together believers of different traditions under the common banner of belief in God, the Father Almighty, in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, and in the Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of life.

  1. Foundation of Christian Doctrine: The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed is an essential testimony to the fundamental theological truths of Christianity. It summarizes the essential principles of the faith, such as the Trinity, the Incarnation and redemption, and makes them a common profession of faith for all Christians. By reciting this creed in liturgy and celebrations, believers renew their commitment to these truths and strengthen their identity as followers of Christ.

  2. Defense against heresies: The history of the Church has been marked by numerous theological controversies and heresies. The Nicene-Constantinople Creed played a crucial role in providing a solid basis for countering erroneous doctrines and protecting the Orthodox faith. It has been used as a standard of Orthodox belief in councils and theological discussions, helping the Church preserve its heritage of faith passed down from the apostles.

  3. Source of unity and communion: By proclaiming their faith through the Nicene-Constantinople Creed, Christians recognize each other as members of the same family of faith. This creates a sense of unity and communion, strengthening spiritual bonds between believers and inviting them to work together for the good of the Church and the world.

  4. Foundation of theological education: The Nicene-Constantinople Creed also played a major role in the theological education of the faithful. By meditating on it and studying it, believers can deepen their understanding of the central doctrines of the Christian faith and be spiritually nourished by its theological depth.

  5. A constant testimony to the Christian faith: For more than 1,600 years, the Nicene-Constantinople Creed has been recited by millions of believers across generations. It remains a living testimony to the Christian faith that transcends time and borders, connecting believers today with those of the past and future.

In conclusion, the Nicene-Constantinople Creed occupies a central and irreplaceable place in the life of the Christian Church. By proclaiming the essential truths of the faith, it strengthens the identity and communion of believers and invites them to live in conformity with the teachings of Christ. As a symbol of the faith, this creed continues to inspire, guide and strengthen Christians in their journey of spiritual life, inviting them to contemplate the depth of God's love and to bear witness to the truth of God. Gospel to the world around them.



In conclusion, the in-depth analysis of the Nicene-Constantinople Creed reveals the richness and depth of this confession of Christian faith. This ancient symbol, developed during the councils of Nicaea in 325 and Constantinople in 381, remains a fundamental pillar of the Christian faith, transcending eras and geographical boundaries. Through its twelve parts, the Creed clearly and precisely proclaims the central truths of the faith, affirming belief in the Trinity, the Incarnation, and redemption through Jesus Christ.

Beyond being a simple formula to recite, the Nicene-Constantinople Creed is a symbol of faith that inspires, nourishes and strengthens the spiritual life of believers. It unites Christians around the world, transcending denominational and cultural differences, inviting them to proclaim together their belief in God the Father, in Jesus Christ the only Son, and in the Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of life.

The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed is not simply a dogmatic statement, but it expresses the Church's living faith, identity, and commitment to Christ. It nourishes the spiritual life of believers by inviting them to meditate on the profound truths of the Christian faith and to put them into practice in their daily lives.

Finally, this symbol of faith reminds us that our faith in God is not limited to simple intellectual adhesion, but that it calls us to live in communion with God and with our brothers and sisters in humanity. The Nicene-Constantinople Creed is a powerful reminder of God's unconditional love for humanity and his invitation to follow Christ in a life of faith, hope and charity.

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