L'histoire de Saint Justin Martyre

The story of Saint Justin Martyr

Saint Justin Martyr is an early Christian apologist and an influential philosopher of the second century. Known for his courageous defense of the Christian faith in the face of pagan accusations, Justin is a model of faith and intellect. His story and writings left a lasting imprint on early Christianity and continue to inspire believers today.

The story of Saint Justin Martyr

I- The Origins of Saint Justin

Saint Justin was born around the year 100 in Flavia Neapolis, today Nablus in the West Bank, into a pagan family. From a young age he showed a great thirst for knowledge and a burning desire to understand the truth. He studied Greek philosophies, notably Stoicism, Aristotelianism, Pythagoreanism and Platonism, but without finding a satisfactory answer to his existential questions.

II- Conversion to Christianity

Justin's life took a decisive turn when he met an old Christian man during a walk by the sea. This man spoke to him about Christianity and the prophets who had announced the coming of Christ. Touched by the wisdom and depth of Scripture, Justin converted to Christianity. He understood that Greek philosophy was only a partial preparation for the complete truth revealed in Jesus Christ.

The story of Saint Justin Martyr

III- The Christian Apologist

After his conversion, Justin devoted himself to the defense and propagation of the Christian faith. He settled in Rome where he opened a school to teach Christianity as true philosophy. His apologetic writings, notably his two "Apologies" and the "Dialogue with Trypho", are major works which address pagan and Jewish critiques of Christianity.

In his “Apologies,” Justin argues that accusations against Christians – such as atheism and immorality – were unfounded. He defends Christianity as a higher philosophy that responds to the deepest aspirations of humanity. The "Dialogue with Trypho" is a fictional debate with a Jewish philosopher, in which Justin uses the Hebrew Scriptures to demonstrate that Jesus is the promised Messiah.

IV- The Martyrdom of Saint Justin

Justin's unwavering devotion to his faith ultimately led to his death. Around the year 165, under the emperor Marcus Aurelius, he was arrested with six of his students. They were accused of refusing to sacrifice to the Roman gods. Before the Roman prefect, Rusticus, Justin and his companions firmly affirmed their Christian faith, refusing to deny their belief. Justin declared: "We desire to be tortured for our Lord, Jesus Christ, and thereby be saved, for this will bring us salvation and confidence before the more terrible and universal tribunal of our Lord and Savior."

As a result, they were sentenced to death and executed by beheading. Justin thus earned the title "Martyr", an ultimate testimony to his faith and devotion to Jesus Christ.

The story of Saint Justin Martyr

V- The Legacy of Saint Justin

Saint Justin Martyr is revered as one of the greatest Christian apologists. His writings offer an articulate and passionate defense of Christianity against its detractors. They are also among the earliest records of the liturgical practices of the early Church, providing valuable insight into early Christian communities.

Justin's influence is found in the intellectual approach to the Christian faith, seeking to harmonize divine revelation with human reason. His life and martyrdom inspire Christians to stand firm in their faith, even in the face of persecution. The feast of Saint Justin Martyr is celebrated on June 1st in the Catholic Church, a day to remember!

The story of Saint Justin Martyr


Saint Justin Martyr embodies the fusion of philosophy and Christian faith, showing that the search for ultimate truth leads to Jesus Christ. His courageous testimony, prolific writings, and exemplary martyrdom continue to inspire and strengthen believers throughout the ages. The story of Saint Justin reminds all Christians of the importance of defending their faith with reason and passion, remaining faithful to the truth revealed in Jesus Christ.