Saint Françoise d'Assise

Saint Frances of Assisi

Saint Francis of Assisi, one of the most beloved and revered figures in Christian history, embodies the ideal of holiness, simplicity and unconditional love. Born in 1181 or 1182 in Assisi, Italy, Francis is known for his deep spirituality, his compassion for those most in need, his love for nature, and his desire to follow the teachings of Christ in a radical way. His influence on Christian spirituality endures to this day and continues to inspire millions around the world.

In this article, we will delve into the extraordinary life of Saint Francis of Assisi, exploring his early life, his radical conversion, his intimate relationship with God, his founding of the Franciscan order, and his enduring spiritual legacy.

Saint Francis of Assisi

I- The early life of Saint Francis of Assisi

Francis of Assisi was born in an era marked by political, social and religious upheaval. His father was a successful merchant and François grew up in a privileged environment. However, he was not satisfied with material wealth and felt a deep inner call to a life of meaning and spirituality.

Francis' youth was marked by experiences that would shape his personality and illuminate his spiritual path. Among these, we can mention his participation in the war, his captivity and his serious illness, which confronted him with the fragility of life and led him to reflect on the meaning of existence.

Saint Francis of Assisi

II- Radical conversion and the call to poverty

The turning point in Francis' life came when he heard a divine voice say to him: "Go, Francis, and repair my ruined Church." This mysterious message deeply touched Francis, calling him to abandon his worldly aspirations and embrace a life of evangelical poverty. This encounter with Christ was the catalyst for a radical transformation that would shape the rest of his life.

Guided by his conversion, Francis renounced his fortune and his social status to live a life of simplicity, detachment and service to those most in need. He gathered a group of disciples, who shared his vision and commitment to evangelical poverty, and founded the Franciscan order. The order was based on the principles of poverty, brotherhood, and preaching the gospel, and would become one of the greatest spiritual forces of its time.

Saint Francis of Assisi

III- Franciscan spirituality

Saint Francis was deeply connected to nature and viewed all creation as a reflection of God's goodness and beauty. To him, every creature was a member of the divine family, and he showed deep respect and gratitude to all aspects of nature. Francis spoke to birds, wild animals and natural elements, considering them brothers and sisters, and invited them to praise God with him. His poetry and prayers reflected his love for creation and his ability to find the divine presence in every blade of grass, every ray of sunshine, and every drop of rain.

Francis' compassion for the most deprived was deep and sincere. He viewed the poor and excluded from society as valuable members of the human family and felt a deep duty to help and support them. Francis kissed lepers, shared his meal with beggars and offered attentive support and listening to the marginalized. His love for others was a living testimony to the love of God and a challenge for everyone to live concrete charity towards the most vulnerable in society.

The life of Saint Francis was steeped in prayer and contemplation. He sought to withdraw regularly into solitude to be in communion with God, through meditation, contemplation and prayer. His prayer was deeply personal and intimate, an interior conversation with God that nourished and strengthened him in his mission. Francis invited others to live a deep and interior relationship with God, to find moments of silence and contemplation to listen to the divine voice and to be attentive to the presence of God in their daily lives.

Saint Francis of Assisi

IV- The legacy of Saint Francis of Assisi

The legacy of Saint Francis of Assisi is vast and enduring. His vision of spirituality, centered on love, simplicity and joy, continues to inspire millions of people throughout the centuries. The Franciscans, as a religious order founded by Francis, have spread his teaching and example of life throughout the world, and they continue to represent a path of consecrated life based on the Franciscan principles of poverty, fraternity and service .

Franciscan spirituality has also influenced other religious orders, secular movements, and many individuals who seek to follow in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi. His legacy is found in social justice initiatives, efforts to protect the environment, works of charity, and the pursuit of a life of deep, contemplative prayer.

Saint Francis of Assisi


In conclusion, Saint Francis of Assisi remains a timeless model of holiness and divine love. His life and his teaching remind us of

importance of living a spirituality based on love, simplicity and compassion towards all aspects of creation. His example of renunciation of material wealth and commitment to those most in need pushes us to question our own way of life and find concrete ways to help those in need.

The spirituality of Saint Francis of Assisi also reminds us of the importance of living in harmony with nature and recognizing the presence of God in every creature. His love for creation and his ability to praise God through it inspires us to be better stewards of the environment and develop a deeper relationship with our Creator.

Finally, prayer and contemplation occupied a central place in the life of Saint Francis. His constant desire to be in communion with God reminds us of the extreme importance of finding moments of silence and contemplation in our busy lives. By turning to God in prayer, we can find inner peace, divine guidance and the strength to live according to gospel values.

If you would like to know more about Blessed Saint Francis Xavier, also a wonderful Saint, our blog article The Story of Saint Francis Xavier should please you very much.

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