Sainte Rita

The story of Saint Rita

Saint Rita, also known as Margherita Lotti, is a religious figure venerated by millions of Catholics around the world. She is often invoked as the patron saint of desperate causes and difficult situations. But who was Saint Rita? What is her life story and how did she become one of the most popular figures in the Catholic faith?

In this article, we will explore the fascinating story of Saint Rita. We will discover her origins, the trials she overcame, her fame and how she became a saint of the Catholic Church. We'll also explain why Saint Rita is an important figure for Catholics around the world and how she can continue to inspire believers today.

First, we will look at the life of Saint Rita. Born in 1381 in the Italian town of Roccaporena, she felt a religious vocation very early and married against her will at the age of 12. She experienced a life of suffering, with a violent and abusive husband, as well as the tragic loss of her two sons. When her husband died, Rita joined an Augustinian convent where she lived the rest of her life.

However, what makes Saint Rita so special is her ability to forgive and love even in the most difficult times. She is known to have prayed that her sons would be preserved from the hatred and vengeance that had cost their father's life. She also forgave her attackers and prayed for their conversion, an attitude that made her an emblematic figure of divine grace.

Secondly, we will focus on the veneration of Saint Rita. Her fame as the patron saint of hopeless causes and difficult situations spread quickly, drawing crowds of devotees to her shrine in Cascia, Italy. Miracles have been reported in his name, such as the healing of incurable illnesses and the resolution of financial problems.

Finally, we will examine how Saint Rita continues to inspire believers today. Beyond her reputation as a saint of hopeless causes, she is an example of strength, faith and forgiveness for Christians around the world. His life is an inspiration to those going through difficult times and seeking God's grace and mercy.

Saint Rita

I- The Life of Saint Rita

Saint Rita of Cascia, born Margherita Lotti in 1381 in the town of Roccaporena, Italy, was a woman of great devotion and spiritual strength. She was married to a violent man named Paolo Mancini, with whom she had two sons.

Rita experienced a difficult married life, with a husband who constantly mistreated her, but she persisted in her patience and her faith in God. Her husband was killed after becoming involved in a family feud, and Rita was then faced with the possibility of revenge from her sons.

Rita then turned to God and prayed that her sons would be protected from hatred and revenge. She also decided to become a nun, but was initially refused by the Augustinians of Cascia, because she was a widow and had been married. However, after praying for the intercession of the saints, Rita was accepted into the monastery and lived a life of piety and devotion. Miracles are attributed to Saint Rita, such as healing wounds, resolving conflicts, and providing assistance in times of need.

Saint Rita

II- Devotion to Saint Rita

Saint Rita was canonized in 1900 by Pope Leo XIII. She is recognized as the patroness of hopeless causes and the impossible, due to her life marked by patience, suffering, prayer and forgiveness.

Shrines dedicated to Saint Rita are found in several parts of the world, where pilgrims come to pray for her intercession in difficult situations. The most famous of these shrines is that of Cascia, Italy, where she spent most of her religious life.

Prayers and novenas to Saint Rita are often recited to ask for her intercession in difficult times. Saint Rita's prayer, which begins "O God, who gave Saint Rita the grace to love her enemies", is one of the best-known prayers addressed to the saint.

Saint Rita

III- The meaning of Saint Rita and her prayer

According to legend, Saint Rita performed a rose miracle shortly before her death. She was in her convent, ill, and had asked one of her friends to bring her a rose from her childhood garden. It was winter and the rose season was over, but Saint Rita's friend nevertheless went to the garden and found a rose in bloom despite the cold. She picked it and brought it back to Saint Rita who, touched by this miracle, kissed it with love. The rose was then replanted in the convent garden where it continued to bloom every year, even in winter.

Saint Rita is considered the saint of the impossible, because she experienced situations that seemed hopeless, but which were resolved by her faith and trust in God. She is an inspiration to people who are going through difficult times and looking for an impossible solution.

Saint Rita is also considered the patroness of hopeless causes, as she helped many people find a solution to their most complex and difficult problems.

Here is the Prayer to Saint Rita:

O Lord, reward my hope in you and I will make known everywhere the greatness of your mercy towards the afflicted. O Rita, admirable wife of the Crucified One who gave you one of the thorns of his crown, help me to live well and die well. Amen."

Saint Rita


In conclusion, Saint Rita is an emblematic figure of the Catholic faith, known for her devotion and perseverance in the face of life's trials. She has become a role model for many believers, who look to her for comfort and strength to overcome their difficulties.

Saint Rita's story shows us that even in the darkest times, it is possible to find hope and light through faith and prayer. His example reminds us of the importance of perseverance and trust in God, regardless of circumstances.

Thus, the life of Saint Rita continues to inspire believers around the world, providing them with a source of comfort and hope in times of doubt and despair. May his memory forever remain a symbol of the strength and grace of the Catholic faith.

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