Prière du matin : Comment commencer sa journée avec Dieu ?

Morning Prayer: How to Start Your Day with God?

Starting your day with God is a way to refocus on what is essential, to draw strength and wisdom from prayer to face the challenges of everyday life. Morning prayer is a tradition in Christian life, a sacred moment to turn to God, entrust him with the day that is beginning and ask for his blessing and guidance. But how can we pray well in the morning and what can we include in this prayer?

Morning Prayer: How to Start Your Day with God?

I- Why pray in the morning?

Morning is a great time to reconnect with God before the hectic pace of the day takes over. It is a quiet time, often away from the hustle and bustle of distractions, when you can fully focus on your relationship with the Lord.

The benefits of morning prayer:

  • It allows you to start the day with peace and serenity.
  • It helps to refocus on one's spiritual priorities.
  • It offers an opportunity to thank God for the night gone by and to entrust God with the day ahead.
  • It strengthens faith and trust in divine Providence.
Morning Prayer: How to Start Your Day with God?

II- How to structure your morning prayer?

Morning prayer does not have a single, rigid form. It can be free, spontaneous, or structured around traditional prayers. Here are some steps to properly structure your morning prayer:

  1. A Moment of Silence and Preparation : Before you begin praying, it is helpful to take a moment of silence to prepare yourself. Put yourself in the presence of God, quiet your mind, and disconnect from immediate concerns.

  2. Worship and Praise : Recognizing God’s greatness and infinite love is a beautiful way to begin. Expressing gratitude for this new day, for the gift of life and God’s constant presence.

    Example: “Lord, I thank you for this new day. Thank you for your love, for your mercy and for the life you give me.”

  3. Asking for forgiveness : Turning to God asking for forgiveness for your faults after a little introspection to highlight your sins allows you to start the day with a light heart. It is a way of acknowledging your weaknesses and asking for God's help to improve.

    Example: “Lord, forgive my weaknesses, my sins of yesterday and help me to be a better person today.”

  4. Reading God's Word : Including a passage from the Gospel or the Bible in your prayer helps nourish the spirit of God's Word. This gives spiritual direction for the day.

    Example: You can choose a verse of the day or a passage that inspires you.

  5. Offering the day to God : Offering one’s actions, thoughts, words, and all the moments of the day to come to God is a way of dedicating one’s daily life to the Lord. One can also ask for the strength and wisdom needed to accomplish the tasks of the day according to God’s will.

    Example: “I entrust this day to you, Lord. May everything I do be for your glory and under your blessing.”

  6. Intercessions : This is also the time to pray for others: family, friends, but also for those who are suffering, those who are in need, or for the intentions of the Church and the world.

    Example: “I entrust to you, Lord, my family, my friends, and all those who need you today.”

  7. Conclusion and thanksgiving : We end by thanking God for this moment of prayer and praising him for his goodness. A concluding prayer such as the Our Father or a traditional prayer can close this time of communion with God.

Morning Prayer: How to Start Your Day with God?

III- Examples of morning prayers

Simple Morning Prayer: "Lord, I thank you for this new day. Accompany me, guide my steps, enlighten my decisions and help me to live according to your will. May your peace and love reign in me today. Amen."

Fuller Prayer: "Lord Jesus, I praise and bless you as I begin this day. Thank you for your protection during the night. Today, I entrust my thoughts, words, and actions to you. May all I do be guided by your Holy Spirit. Grant me the strength to overcome trials and do good around me. Forgive my sins and help me grow in holiness. Watch over my family, my friends, and all those I love. Amen."

Morning Prayer: How to Start Your Day with God?

IV- Traditional morning prayers

There are many traditional prayers that Christians recite every morning to start their day. Here are some examples:

  1. The Angelus : A prayer that recalls the Annunciation to Mary and is generally said three times a day, morning, noon and evening.

    "The angel of the Lord announced to Mary, and she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Hail, Mary, full of grace..."

  2. The Our Father : The prayer that Jesus taught us, a foundation of the Christian life.

    “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…”

  3. The Hail Mary : A prayer of devotion to the Virgin Mary, asking for her maternal intercession.

    "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee..."

  4. The Prayer of the Sacred Heart : “O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I entrust to you all that I am and all that I do today…”

Morning Prayer: How to Start Your Day with God?


Starting your day with God is an act of faith and trust that allows you to live each moment under the divine light. Whether through a simple and spontaneous prayer, or through traditional prayers, this morning moment helps to prepare yourself spiritually to face the day with inner peace and renewed strength.