Prière du soir : Comment finir sa journée avec Dieu ?

Evening Prayer: How to end your day with God?

Ending your day with God is an essential way to spiritually recharge your batteries, to entrust to the Lord the joys and difficulties experienced and to prepare for the night in peace. As with morning prayer, the time of evening prayer allows you to refocus on your relationship with God, to take stock of the day that has passed and to thank him for his constant presence. But how can we structure and live this evening prayer?

Evening Prayer: How to end your day with God?

I- Why pray in the evening?

The evening is a good time for prayer, because it marks the end of a day often full of activities, thoughts, meetings and sometimes trials. Praying before going to bed helps to unload worries, to ask forgiveness for one's shortcomings, and to commend one's rest to God.

The benefits of evening prayer:

  • It allows one to be reconciled with God before falling asleep.
  • It brings a feeling of peace and gratitude.
  • It helps to become aware of the divine presence throughout the day.
  • It offers a moment of reflection on one's actions and thoughts of the day.
  • It allows you to place your night and your entire life in the hands of God.
Evening Prayer: How to end your day with God?

II- How to structure your evening prayer?

As with morning prayer, there is no single model for evening prayer. Each Christian can adapt his or her prayer according to his or her situation and state of mind. Here are some steps that can serve as a guide to properly structure your evening prayer:

  1. A moment of silence and contemplation: Before beginning prayer, it is good to meditate, to sit in a quiet place to prepare to enter into dialogue with God. This silence allows us to leave behind the noise and agitation of the day.

  2. Thanks for the Day: Gratitude is a key part of evening prayer. It is a time to thank God for blessings received, moments of joy, and even lessons learned from trials.

    Example: “Lord, I thank you for this day you have given me. Thank you for your presence in every moment, for the people I have met, and for the blessings I have received.”

  3. Examination of conscience: Evening prayer is also a time of introspection, where we take stock of the past day. This allows us to recognize our mistakes, our sins, and to ask God for forgiveness.

    Example: “Forgive me, Lord, for my shortcomings today. Forgive me for anything I have said, thought, or done that was not in accordance with your will.”

  4. Asking for forgiveness: After the examination of conscience, it is important to ask God's forgiveness for the sins committed during the day and to ask for His help to do better the next day.

    Example: “Lord, in your mercy, grant me your forgiveness. Help me to grow in holiness and to follow your ways with greater faithfulness.”

  5. Request for protection for the night: Placing your night in God’s hands is a way of entrusting your fears and anxieties to Him, and asking Him to watch over us while we sleep.

    Example: “I entrust this night to you, Lord. Keep me under your protection and protect my family and those I love. May your peace accompany me until morning.”

  6. Intercessions and prayer for others: We can also pray for those in need: the sick, the deceased, people in difficulty, but also for peace in the world, the Church and the souls in purgatory.

    Example: "I pray to you, Lord, for all who are suffering tonight. May your love comfort them and bring them healing. I also commend to you the souls of the departed, especially [name], that they may find eternal rest in you."

  7. Conclusion and devotional prayer: Evening prayer can end with a traditional prayer such as the Our Father , the Hail Mary , or devotional prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Virgin Mary or one's patron saint.

    Example: "Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen!"

Evening Prayer: How to end your day with God?

III- Examples of evening prayers

Here are some simple examples of evening prayers that you can adapt to your daily life:

Simple Evening Prayer: "Lord, I thank you for this day. Forgive my sins and help me to be a better person tomorrow. Protect me tonight and watch over all those I love. Amen."

Prayer of thanksgiving and intercession: "Thank you, Lord, for all you have done for me today. Thank you for your presence in my life. Forgive my weaknesses and my faults, and grant me your forgiveness. Watch over my family, my friends, and those who were not fortunate enough to have a roof over their heads or food today. Amen."

Prayer for Protection at Night: "Lord, I commit this night to you. May your mighty hand protect me and my family. May your guardian angels watch over us, and may your peace rest upon us. May this night be a time of rest for me in your grace. Amen."

Hallowed be your name; your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

IV- Traditional evening prayers

  1. The Act of Contrition : "My God, I am very sorry to have offended you, because you are infinitely good, infinitely lovable, and sin displeases you. I firmly resolve, with the help of your holy grace, to offend you no more and to do penance. Amen."

  2. Remember (to the Virgin Mary) : "Remember, O most merciful Virgin Mary, that it has never been heard of anyone who has had recourse to your protection, implored your assistance or called upon your help being abandoned. Animated by such confidence, O Virgin of virgins, O my mother, I come to you, and groaning under the weight of my sins, I prostrate myself at your feet. O Mother of the Incarnate Word, do not despise my prayers, but listen to them favorably and deign to answer them. Amen."

  3. The Salve Regina : "Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae, vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve..."

Hallowed be your name; your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


Praying before going to sleep is a precious way to end your day with God. It is a moment of peace, gratitude and questioning that helps us live better in harmony with God's will. No matter what form this prayer takes, whether long or short, the essential thing is to open your heart to God and entrust your daily life to Him with faith and love.