Quel est-ce que la croix des Templiers ?

What is the Templar cross?

The Templar cross , also known as the cross pattée , is one of the most iconic symbols associated with the Order of the Knights Templar, a Christian military order of the Middle Ages. This order, officially called the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon , was founded in the early 12th century to protect pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem and to participate in the Crusades to defend the holy sites against Muslim forces.

What is the Templar cross?

I- The foundation and mission of the Templars

The Order of the Knights Templar, officially named the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon , was founded in 1119 by a group of knights led by Hugh de Payens. Their initial mission was to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem, recently conquered during the First Crusade (1096–1099). At a time when the roads to the Holy Land were dangerous due to bandits and conflict, the Templars ensured the safety of travelers and took part in the defense of the Latin states of the East.

Their name "Templars" comes from their settlement near the Temple Mount , a place of great religious importance in Jerusalem, where, according to tradition, Solomon's Temple once stood. Very quickly, the Order grew, attracting large donations and members from the European nobility.

II- The involvement of the Templars in the crusades

The Templars were not only protectors of pilgrims: they were also active soldiers in the Crusades, taking part in many battles against Muslim forces to defend and reclaim the holy lands. As soldier-monks, the Templars lived a dual vocation, combining a monastic religious commitment with a military mission.

They took the traditional vows of religious orders—poverty, chastity, and obedience—but with a twist: they were warriors, fighting in defense of Christianity. Their symbolism was expressed in the cross pattée, worn on their white cloaks. This symbol represented not only their Christian faith, but also their dedication to the sacred mission they pursued, often at the cost of their lives.

What is the Templar cross?

III- The cross of the Templars: a symbol of faith and sacrifice

The cross pattée , the emblem of the Knights Templar, is a cross whose arms widen outward, forming a distinct figure. It is often red, symbolizing the blood shed by Christ and, by extension, the sacrifice of the knights in the fight for the Christian faith. Wearing this cross was for the Templars a constant reminder of their sacred mission, but also of their vocation to imitate Christ, not only through their prayers, but also through their commitment on the battlefield.

The cross pattée became a symbol of the bravery and self-sacrifice of the Templars. It was not simply a religious emblem: it served to mark membership in a powerful, respected, but also feared order in the medieval world. For the Templars, the cross represented the path to holiness through total commitment to God and the Church.

IV- The wealth and power of the Templars

In addition to their military role, the Templars amassed enormous wealth and power. Through donations received from European nobles, the Templars became owners of vast agricultural estates, castles, and even ports. Their financial influence grew to the point that they established a rudimentary banking network that allowed pilgrims and nobles to deposit funds in one Templar commandery and withdraw them in another, thus reducing the risk of being robbed along the way.

This pioneering banking system, combined with their status as a military and spiritual elite, made the Templars a force to be reckoned with in Europe and the Middle East. However, this growing power aroused jealousy and suspicion, particularly from the King of France, Philip IV, who saw the Templars' wealth as a threat to his own power.

What is the Templar cross?

V- Culture and art linked to the Templars

The Knights Templar also left a significant cultural and artistic legacy. Their architecture, including the churches and castles built to protect their territories, reflects Romanesque and Gothic styles. These buildings are often characterized by defensive features, such as thick walls and towers, but also by religious symbolism, including Christian motifs and references to the cross pattée.

In addition, the Templars played a role in the development of religious rituals and practices. They contributed to the popularization of certain devotions, such as the veneration of the Holy Cross and the protection of pilgrims. Their influence can also be seen in various writings, chronicles and legends that circulated at the time, fueling the fascination with the knights and their faith.

VI- The Templars in the collective memory

The legacy of the Knights Templar lives on in popular culture and the collective imagination. Their stories of bravery, mystery, and wealth have inspired numerous novels, films, and video games. They are often depicted as heroes of Christian history, carrying mysterious secrets and seeking hidden treasures.

This fascination with the Templars has also led to the creation of many modern groups and orders that claim their heritage, although often without any direct connection to the original Order. These modern organizations continue to celebrate the values ​​of courage, faith, and dedication, while perpetuating the mystery that surrounds the Templars.

What is the Templar cross?


The Templar cross is not simply a graphic symbol; it embodies the religious and military dedication of the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ. Representing both Christian faith and sacrifice, it evokes the Templars’ total commitment to the defense of Christianity and their crucial role in the Crusades. Their legacy, whether in terms of their impact on architecture, culture, or the collective imagination, remains a testament to the influence of this iconic order, and their story continues to inspire and fascinate those interested in Christian and medieval history.