Que faire si notre famille n'est pas chrétienne ?

What should we do if our family is not Christian?

Living your Christian faith in a non-Christian home environment can present unique and sometimes difficult challenges. Whether due to religious differences, lack of understanding or mutual respect, it is crucial to navigate this situation with wisdom, love and patience. This article offers practical and spiritual advice for maintaining your faith and Christian beliefs while living harmoniously with a family who does not share the same beliefs.

What should we do if our family is not Christian?

I- Understand and Respect Differences

1. Patience and Understanding

  • Listen with Empathy : Take the time to listen to your family's perspectives without judgment, showing that you respect their beliefs even if they differ from yours.
  • Avoid Conflict : Seek to understand the reasons why they do not share your faith, and avoid discussions that could lead to unnecessary conflict.

2. Mutual Respect

  • Avoid Imposition : Do not try to impose your beliefs on your family. Forced evangelism can often cause resentment.
  • Witness by Example : Let your exemplary Christian life speak for you. Show through your actions the love, peace and joy that your faith brings you.

II- Maintain and Nourish your Faith

1. Prayer and Meditation

  • Create a Prayer Space : Even in a non-Christian environment, find a space where you can pray and meditate in peace.
  • Pray for your Family : Ask God to touch the hearts of your loved ones and guide them to the truth. Also pray for the wisdom and patience to love and understand them.

2. Participation in the Life of the Church

  • Attend Mass : Make attending Mass a priority, even if it means going alone.
  • Community Engagement : Get involved in your parish activities to receive support and encouragement from your Christian community.
What should we do if our family is not Christian?

III- Establish Communication Bridges

1. Respectful Dialogues

  • Share your Faith : When the opportunity presents itself, talk about your faith in a simple and authentic way, without trying to convince at all costs.
  • Answer Questions : Be prepared to answer your family's questions gently and respectfully, without taking offense to their skepticism or opposition.

2. Family Activities

  • Participate in Family Traditions : Get involved in your family's traditions and activities to show that your faith does not distance you from them.
  • Invite to Christian Events : From time to time, invite your loved ones to Christian events such as parish celebrations, Christmas concerts or special masses, without pressure.

IV- Seek External Support

1. Christian Support Groups

  • Join Prayer Groups : Join prayer groups or Bible circles to find like-minded people and gain support in your faith journey.
  • Spiritual Retreats : Attending spiritual retreats can strengthen your faith and provide you with space to reflect and pray away from daily pressures.

2. Spiritual Guidance

  • Talk to a Priest or Spiritual Advisor : Discuss your situation with a priest or spiritual advisor who can offer practical advice and specific prayers for your situation.
  • Spiritual Mentoring : Seek a spiritual mentor within your Christian community who can guide and support you in your journey.
What should we do if our family is not Christian?

V- Cultivate Love and Family Unity

1. Practice Unconditional Love

  • Show Love and Compassion : Make love and compassion priorities in your interactions with your family. Make them feel loved and respected despite differences in beliefs.
  • Serving Your Family : Model Christ's example by humbly serving your family and meeting their needs with joy and dedication.

2. Build Strong Relationships

  • Spend Quality Time : Invest time in creating memories and strong bonds with your family. Participate in family activities and traditions to strengthen emotional bonds.
  • Open Communication : Encourage open and honest communication. Share your faith experiences in a natural and authentic way, without hiding or minimizing your beliefs.

VI- Trust God

1. Faith in the Work of God

  • Trust in Divine Providence : Trust that God is working in the hearts of your loved ones, even if you don't see results immediately. Remain patient and persistent in prayer.
  • Hope and Persevere : Maintain hope and continue to pray for the conversion and understanding of your family. Faith requires perseverance and trust in God's action.

2. Witness to Christian Hope

  • Live with Hope : Show through your life that your faith in Christ brings you peace and hope, even in the midst of difficulties.
  • Share Inspiring Testimonies : Share stories of conversions or faith experiences that might inspire and open the hearts of your family.
What should we do if our family is not Christian?


Living your Christian faith in a non-Christian home environment can be difficult, but with love, patience, and unwavering faith, it is possible to navigate these challenges. By cultivating mutual understanding, maintaining your faith through prayer and sacraments, building bridges of communication, and seeking outside support, you can not only remain true to your beliefs, but also become a living testimony of love and the grace of Christ. Trust God to guide and touch the hearts of your loved ones, and let your life reflect the light of Christ within your family.