Que faire en cas de baisse de foi ?

What to do if you lose faith?

Periods of doubt and decline in faith are common experiences in the spiritual lives of many Christians. These times can be unsettling and discouraging, but they can also become opportunities for growth and spiritual renewal. This article offers practical and spiritual advice for dealing with a decline in faith, inspired by Catholic tradition and teachings.

What to do if you lose faith?

I- Return to the Fundamentals of the Faith

1. Prayer and Meditation

  • Daily Prayer : Even when faith wavers, maintaining a daily prayer routine is essential. Talking to God, even when in doubt, allows us to maintain a connection with the divine.
  • Lectio Divina : This traditional method of reading and meditating on scripture can help one rediscover the word of God and find answers and comfort in sacred texts.

2. Participation in the Sacraments

  • Eucharist : Participating in Mass and receiving Holy Communion is a source of grace and spiritual strengthening.
  • Confession : The sacrament of reconciliation allows one to free oneself from the weight of sin and renew one's relationship with God.

II- Seek Community Support

1. Talk to a Priest or Spiritual Advisor

  • Spiritual Direction : A priest or spiritual advisor can offer advice, prayer and personalized support to overcome moments of doubt.
  • Confession and Counseling : Confessing your doubts and struggles can bring relief and open the way to practical and spiritual solutions.

2. Join Prayer or Bible Study Groups

  • Prayer Groups : Participating in a prayer group allows you to pray with others, share experiences and receive support from the community.
  • Bible Study : Joining a Bible study group helps you deepen your knowledge of Scripture and find answers in God's word.
What to do if you lose faith?

III- Deepen the Knowledge of the Faith

1. Read Spiritual and Theological Books

  • Spiritual Classics : Reading the works of great saints and theologians, such as Thomas a Kempis's "The Imitation of Jesus Christ" or the writings of Saint Augustine, can inspire and strengthen faith.
  • Contemporary Books : Modern works written by Christian authors such as "Prayer like a king's child" by Jean Pliya can offer new perspectives and answer current questions.

2. Attend Retreats and Conferences

  • Spiritual Retreats : Taking time to retreat to a monastery or retreat center allows you to focus on prayer, meditation and spiritual renewal.
  • Religious Lectures : Attending lectures by renowned Christian speakers can offer valuable and invigorating lessons.

IV- Cultivate the Virtue of Patience and Hope

1. Accept Periods of Doubt

  • Recognize Doubts : Accept that periods of doubt are an integral part of spiritual life. Recognizing these moments without guilt allows you to approach them with more serenity.
  • Prayer of Trust : Pray in simple words, asking God to strengthen faith and provide the patience needed to get through this time.

2. Testimonies of Saints and Inspiring People

  • Lives of Saints : Reading the biographies of saints who have gone through periods of doubt and emerged strengthened can offer inspiration and comfort.
  • Contemporary Testimonies : Listening to or reading the testimonies of people who have found faith after difficult times can encourage and show that perseverance pays off.
What to do if you lose faith?

V- Engage in Charity and Service Actions

1. Community Service

  • Volunteering : Engaging in service and charitable activities allows you to connect with others and concretely experience Christian love.
  • Helping the Needy : Helping those in need can restore meaning and purpose, and serve as a reminder of the importance of faith in action.

2. Witness and Sharing of Faith

  • Share Experience : Talking about your own struggles and doubts with others can not only help overcome them, but also encourage those who are going through similar experiences.
  • Be a Living Witness : Living your faith authentically and showing God's love through your actions can strengthen your own faith and inspire others.
What to do if you lose faith?


Times of declining faith are difficult but potentially transformative times in a Christian's life. By returning to the fundamentals of prayer and the sacraments, seeking community support, deepening knowledge of the faith, cultivating patience and hope, and engaging in acts of charity, believers can regain and strengthen their faith. These moments of doubt can become opportunities for spiritual renewal, a deepening relationship with God, and a richer and more authentic life of faith.